ui global commercialization support

UI Lab to Market:

For Universities:
UI’s Lab to Market university commercialization services are led by a Registered Technology Transfer Professional and UK Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence working closely with our global team. We support:

  • University KE & TT Offices in-country and Internationally.
  • High Growth potential, technology-led Spinouts
  • University clusters. A recent program provided in-market support to eight European universities working together in the US.
  • Interim management & expertise for start-ups, spinouts, and University KE & TT offices
  • Enterprise Training to PhDs & Early Career staff
  • Reviewing and advising on Policy, Process & Procedures for KE / TT

UI Lift

Virtual accelerator (most recent program included companies from Israel, South Africa, the US and Canada)

UI Virtual Impact Studio:

Operating between concept and Series A, Impact Venture studio provides a suite of goal-driven services to start-ups, adding value to the team and taking it to the desired outcome. We provide services and capital for equity. Learn More

UI Southvation

A platform for attracting and supporting innovation in emerging economies across the southern hemisphere. Programs have a strong focus on the UN’s SDG’s. Our most recent partnered initiative encouraged innovation using indigenous foods. Learn More

Bespoke Training:

Delivered on a 1:1 or group basis. Ideally suited for early-stage start-ups, university spin-outs or individuals interested in starting or managing a new enterprise. Recent programs: Design Thinking, Business Canvas, and Future Skills. Others in pipeline including Innovation: Communications & Risk.

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